English Bulldog Blog

Bulldogs and Kids: All You Need to Know

bulldogs and kids all you need to know english british bulldog shop blog

When you wish to get a new pet, but you also have children in your household, it is important to sit down and truly consider which dog breeds would work well for your environment. You do not wish to miscalculate your steps and buy a dog that will not integrate well into your surroundings, as that will just put stress on you and the animal. Bulldogs and kids can truly be the perfect match if you first consider several important facts.

If your pick landed on bulldogs, and you wish to know how they behave with children, you have come to the right place.

English bulldogs are one of the most well-behaved dog breeds currently found on the planet. While they have their stubborn moments, they are exceptionally lovable pets. Not only are they cuddly with adults, they tend to be playful with the young ones quite often.

Are Bulldogs Good with Kids?

Yes, bulldogs are very good with kids. Their gentle nature ensures their lack of hostility towards children or newborns. Generally speaking, they are playful and well-behaved around children. Bulldogs make excellent family pets. 

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How do Bulldogs Behave Around Children?

How a bulldog treats a child greatly depends on the age of the dog. 

Younger bulldogs are usually full of energy and they love to play. They will run around and enjoy any and every game your child can think of. On the other hand, older, more mature bulldogs know when to stop the fun. They will still enjoy playtime, but they will quietly retreat when the fun becomes too much for their liking. 

An interesting observation of pet owners is that bulldogs generally take more curious abuse from children than from other pets. They have a sort of 6th sense towards the moods of children (and adults as well) and will try to give affection (especially female bulldogs) when they sense that something is a miss.

Additionally, bulldogs have a strong sense of loyalty. While they will be on friendly terms with your friends and other family members, they are still wary of strangers. They will bark and alert you when something or someone is not to their liking.

All in all, as long as your bulldog is well-trained and socialized with both children and other animals. However, you also need to make sure the children are keeping the bulldog’s boundaries. While that might be a bit hard with smaller children, who do not understand why pulling the doggy’s ears as hard as they can is a bad, really bad idea, it is recommended to set rules that should not be broken – for both the safety of the child and the pet. Neither the dog nor the child should be harmed as a result of their interaction.

Bulldogs and Kids: What to Watch out for

Bulldogs have a mellow temperament, but even their buttons can be pushed. There are certain scenarios when their instincts are stronger than their training. While they might not lash out at their owners or the children, what they consider as a warming might easily harm the child.

So what to watch out for during the interaction of your bulldog and child?

Here are some issues that even the owners of the most good-natured bulldogs may face:

  • Food possessiveness
  • Other animals
  • Stubbornness

Food possessiveness

Bulldogs are extremely possessive when it comes to their food. They hate to be disturbed during meals. Unfortunately, children often do not understand that the bulldog’s mealtime is their happy place. They love food and love to eat. If they are bothered while they are eating, their instinct gets triggered and they will try to “protect” the food. They will snap, nip at, bark at the person disturbing them. You will need to ensure that the children are not alarming the dog at mealtimes. bulldogs and kids all you need to know english british bulldog shop blog

Bulldogs and Other animals

If your bulldog is not socialized with other animals from their puppyhood, they will be nervous around them. They are willing to put all of their trust into humans, especially the people that take care of them, but other animals, especially unfamiliar dogs, will give them shivers. In such situations, when the bulldog becomes nervous, its fight or flight instincts show themselves. Additionally, this also puts unwanted stress on your bulldog. They already have enough health problems – you don’t want anxiety to be on the list. 


Bulldogs are stubborn creatures. If they do not want to do something, no amount of begging will change their minds. Okay… maybe food can do that, but rewarding such behaviour can be tricky. On one hand you don’t want to reward their stubborn outbursts, but on the other hand you wish to have them interact with the children more. The golden middle ground is to let the child know not to bother the dog when it gets into one of its moods.

Why Bulldogs Are Great for Families?

Bulldogs, with their sturdy build and gentle demeanor, are often considered the epitome of a family-friendly canine. Their ability to forge deep connections with family members, especially children, is one of their most cherished traits. This bond is not just about the loyalty they exhibit, but also the protective instinct they naturally possess, ensuring the safety and well-being of the household’s youngest members.

The temperament of Bulldogs is something of a marvel. They embody the perfect balance between energy and calmness. During playtime, their enthusiasm is infectious, making them excellent companions for children who are full of energy and looking for a playmate who can keep up. Yet, when the play winds down, Bulldogs are equally content to settle into a peaceful cuddle session, showcasing their adaptable nature that aligns so well with the varied rhythms of family life.

Moreover, Bulldogs are celebrated for their patience. In a household buzzing with the activity and noise that kids bring, a pet that maintains its calm is invaluable. This patience extends to their interactions with kids, where they display an understanding and tolerance for the exuberant, and sometimes unpredictable, behavior of young ones.

Considerations for Bulldog Owners

Embracing a Bulldog into the family comes with its set of responsibilities, pivotal for the health and happiness of the dog. Bulldogs are a unique breed with specific needs that potential owners should be prepared to meet. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial, given Bulldogs are predisposed to certain health conditions due to their distinct physical characteristics. These check-ups can preemptively address any emerging health issues and ensure your Bulldog leads a comfortable, healthy life.

A balanced diet is another cornerstone of Bulldog care. Their dietary needs must be met with high-quality food that nourishes them and keeps their weight in check, as Bulldogs can be prone to obesity. The right diet, coupled with moderate exercise, is key to maintaining their health. While Bulldogs may not require extensive exercise, they do benefit from regular, gentle walks and play sessions to keep them fit and stimulated.

Supervision and Training

When Bulldogs and kids share a home, supervision becomes a paramount concern. This supervision is less about guarding against aggression—Bulldogs are not known for being aggressive without provocation—and more about ensuring the interactions between child and dog are safe and positive. Kids, in their learning phase, may inadvertently play too rough or encroach on a dog’s space, and a watchful eye can prevent any accidental harm.

Early socialization and training of Bulldogs are fundamental. These experiences teach Bulldogs how to interact appropriately with people and other animals and help them become well-adjusted members of the family. Training should focus on basic commands and manners, ensuring the Bulldog understands boundaries within the household. Socialization exposes them to various people, environments, and situations, fostering a well-rounded temperament that is adaptable and resilient.

In conclusion, Bulldogs can indeed be wonderful companions for families with children, provided their needs are understood and met. Their affectionate nature, coupled with a bit of patience and care from their owners, allows them to integrate seamlessly into the family dynamic, bringing joy and companionship to all members.

Bulldogs and Kids: a Perfect Match

Your bulldog will not go on mile long walks with your children. It will probably not play sports with them. But, they will be the children’s life-long companion, through thick and thin. 

bulldogs and kids all you need to know english british bulldog shop blog

Bulldogs are loyal, they will be loyal to all members of your household, which includes the children as well. Especially, if the bulldog and the child grow up together, they will become an inseparable pair. 

Just keep in mind to have the bulldog trained and to set some boundaries for the children, and your bulldog will be the best pet your family has ever given home to.

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