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Top 6 Benefits Of English Bulldog Raw Diet

english bulldog raw food

According to the last statistics, the raw diet stands out as a topic of great importance, particularly for owners of English Bulldogs. This breed, characterized by its distinctive appearance, requires special attention to its dietary needs. So, if you’re still unsure whether raw diet will be the right pick for English bulldogs, then this blog post is for you. We listed the main 7 reasons why English bulldog raw diet should take the place on your pet’s menu.

What Are The Benefits Of English Bulldog Raw Diet?

When it comes to feeding our beloved English Bulldogs, the raw diet emerges as a topic rich with intrigue and potential. These dignified, charming dogs, with their unique quirks and requirements, prompt us to delve deeply into their dietary needs. This blog post explores the benefits of a raw diet for English Bulldogs, blending researched insights with practical considerations. It’s important to note, though, that I’m an enthusiastic researcher, not a vet, so do consult a professional before making major changes to your bulldog’s meals.

english bulldog raw diet

1. The Nutritional Edge of Choosing Raw Diet

A Bounty of Nutrients

At the heart of the raw diet lies an array of uncooked meats and mixed with select fruits and vegetables. This diet is a powerhouse of nutrients, designed to cater to a bulldog’s needs. However, when it comes to English bulldog raw diet, we should consider their tendency to allergies. In case your bulldog is an allergy sufferer or show food intolerance to certain ingredients, then you have to carefully tailor his diet.

Digestive Harmony

Less processed and more natural, the raw diet is often easier for bulldogs to digest, potentially promoting better gut health. As we all know, some ingredients simply have to be cooked. 

Here is the list of ingredients that should be cooked before consumption.

Despite the diet’s name, these ingredients may actually require cooking for safety or digestibility reasons. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Pork and Fish: Raw pork and certain types of fish can carry parasites that are harmful to dogs. Cooking these meats thoroughly is recommended to kill any parasites. English bulldog raw diet 
  • Certain Vegetables: While many vegetables are fine to feed raw, some, like potatoes, should be cooked to improve digestibility and to deactivate any harmful compounds.
  • Grains (If Used): Most raw diets are grain-free, but if grains are included, they should be cooked to enhance digestibility. Dogs’ digestive systems are not well-suited to break down raw grains.
  • Legumes and Beans: Similar to grains, these should be cooked to aid in digestion and to remove any substances that can be harmful or cause digestive upset when raw.
  • Eggs (Sometimes): While many raw diet proponents feed raw eggs to dogs, there is a risk of salmonella. Some owners choose to cook eggs to eliminate this risk.
  • Bones (Sometimes): Raw bones are generally a part of the raw diet, but they should never be cooked as this can cause them to splinter and become hazardous. However, some owners prefer to feed bone meal or ground bones as a safer alternative to whole raw bones.
  • Certain Fruits: While not necessarily requiring cooking, some fruits like apples may be easier for dogs to digest when cooked, especially for dogs with sensitive stomachs.

english bulldog raw diet

2. Skin and Coat: The Visible Benefits

A Coat That Gleams

Thanks to the abundance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, this diet can transform a bulldog’s coat, making it shiny and healthy.

When you’re on the hunt for foods packed with Omega-3 and Omega-6 for your English Bulldog, you have plenty of options that not only tantalize their taste buds but also pack a nutritional punch. Let’s take a stroll through this buffet of choices:

  • Diving into the Deep Blue:

Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are practically swimming in Omega-3. Imagine them as tiny, scaly health bombs for your Bulldog. Just remember one thing: cook them well. We don’t want any “Finding Nemo” incidents in the kitchen.

  • Flaxseed – Nature’s Little Secret:

Moving on to something a bit less… fishy. Flaxseed! A sprinkle of ground flaxseed or a dash of flaxseed oil in your Bulldog’s bowl is like waving a magic health wand. It’s an easy-peasy way to ramp up the Omega-3 content in their diet.

  • Chia Seeds – Small but Spectacular:

Don’t underestimate these little guys. Chia seeds might be small, but they’re like the underdogs (pun intended) of the Omega-3 world. They’re not only rich in those fatty acids but are also a digestion-friendly option for your Bulldog’s tummy.

  • Hemp Oil – The Perfect Equilibrium:

A little hemp oil can go a long way in providing a balanced mix of Omega-3 and Omega-6, plus it’s a breeze for your bulldog to digest.

  • Fish Oil Supplements – Your Plan B:

If fresh fish is off the menu, don’t fret. Quality fish oil supplements can fill in the gap. Just chat with your vet about the right dose.

  • Walnuts – A Crunchy Treat:

Packed with Omega-3, walnuts are a great snack, albeit one to give sparingly due to their high-calorie content.

  • Canola Oil – A Veggie-Friendly Drizzle:

A little canola oil can bring Omega-3 into your bulldog’s diet. Remember to use it judiciously, as it’s also rich in Omega-6.

  • Egg Yolks – The Morning Hero:

Packed with Omega-3, cooked egg yolks can add a healthy twist to your dog’s meal. Cooking them is key to dodge any salmonella concerns.

  • Poultry – The Wholesome Meat:

The fatty parts of chicken and turkey are little Omega-6 treasures. Serve these up cooked and in moderation for a balanced meal.

  • Green Goodness:

Veggies like spinach and Brussels sprouts are the undercover agents of Omega-3. They might not pack as big a punch as the others, but they’re still worth a spot on the menu.


English Bulldog Raw Diet Affects Their Shedding

Many bulldog owners observe a welcome decrease in shedding, a practical plus for both pet and owner.

When you switch your English Bulldog to a raw diet, an unexpected but welcome benefit often emerges: a reduction in their shedding. This happens because the diet is packed with high-quality proteins and fats that give a real boost to the health of their hair follicles. This makes their coat thicker and stronger. So, you’ll likely find yourself doing less vacuuming and more admiring of your bulldog’s lustrous, healthy coat. It’s a visible, and quite beautiful, indicator of your pet’s enhanced overall well-being.

3. Oral Health: More Than Just a Pretty Smile

Chew Your Way to Dental Health

Chomping on raw bones acts like a natural tooth-cleaning regimen, keeping dental woes at bay. To keep your English bulldog’s teeth healthy and free from tartar and plaque, we recommend you 

Breath of Fresh Air

Many studies show that feeding an English bulldog with a raw diet can freshen their breath. Unfortunately, these pooches are famous for their tendency to have bad mouth odor, so besides giving an advance to English bulldog raw diet, we also recommend you using the English Bulldog Fresh Breath Spray.

english bulldog bad breath

It features natural ingredients such as peppermint and parsley which are known as one of the best ingredients that eliminate bad breath.

The spray is easy to use. You just spray it directly into your dog’s mouth, ensuring that the solution reaches the gums and teeth. This can help freshen your bulldog’s breath instantly while also contributing to a healthier mouth environment.

4. Managing Weight and Muscle with an English Bulldog Raw Diet

Striking the Right Balance

The high protein, low carb nature of this diet aids in managing a healthy weight, essential for bulldogs’ overall well-being.

Muscle Maintenance

Protein is crucial for muscle upkeep, ensuring bulldogs stay strong and robust.

5. Tackling Allergies Head-On

A Respite from Grain Allergies

Many bulldogs struggle with grain allergies. The grain-free nature of raw diets can mean fewer allergic reactions. This is the list of the grains that often play the villain in our Bulldog’s allergy story.

Wheat – The Notorious G.R.A.I.N.

  • Occurrence: As common as a cat on the internet.
  • Why it’s a problem: High gluten content. Gluten is like that uninvited guest at a party – sometimes it just doesn’t sit well with Bulldogs.

Corn – The Kernel Culprit

  • Popularity: Found in many dog foods, like popcorn at a movie theater.
  • Issue: Often genetically modified, and Bulldogs’ stomachs aren’t fans of science experiments.

Soy – The Sneaky Bean

  • Presence: Like a ninja, it’s in more dog foods than you’d expect.
  • Downside: Can cause hormonal imbalances. Bulldogs already have enough mood swings.

Barley – The Itchy Imposter

  • Use: Common in “healthier” dog foods.
  • Problem: Contains gluten, and we’ve already talked about that party crasher.

Rye – The Underdog Allergen

  • Role: Often used as a wheat alternative.
  • Issue: Still contains gluten – it’s like switching seats on the Titanic.

Oats – The Double-Edged Sword

  • Popularity: Viewed as a healthier grain.
  • But: Can still cause issues for some Bulldogs, like that one health-conscious friend who still can’t handle kale.

english bulldog raw diet

6. Vitality and Energy: A New Lease on Life

Energized and Enthusiastic

Owners frequently report an uptick in energy levels in their bulldogs following a switch to a raw diet.  A well-nourished bulldog is typically a healthier, more active dog. 

English Bulldog Raw Diet: Wrapping Up

Feeding your English Bulldog a raw diet can be really good for their health. It can make their fur shinier, improve their teeth, and help with their digestion, so they feel great. This diet also helps build a strong immune system, which means they can fight off allergies and sickness better. But remember, this diet doesn’t work for every Bulldog. Always talk to a vet to make sure the diet is right for your dog and that it gives them all the nutrients they need.